I took turns laughing hard and screaming.
"This is crazy you guys....
My kids laughed at me.
I clutched at my neck trying to keep the hood of the ultra-thin plastic poncho on my head.
I would laugh when my eyes were shut and scream when they were open.
I'm scared of heights....I get ...the vertigo...the world is spinning.....and you're gonna fall feeling....when I'm someplace high up....especially if I don't have a sense I'm enclosed and on something firm.
Hence....99% of roller coasters are a big no-no (only the Disneyland ones which are in a mountain or inside something are okay) and now add to my list of big NO-No's are double
decker tourist buses.....crossing ultra high bridges out of NYC.
Yep....I was sitting next to the rail on top of one of those open air double
decker tourist buses.....crossing the
Manhattan Bridge into Brooklyn....when I opened my eyes ...all that I could see were the choppy greenish waves of the bay below me.
Oh....and one more thing.....we were crossing this bridge in the middle of a violent thunderstorm....with strong winds whipping at us.....sheets of rain ...tearing at the ponchos ....and lightening .....white and
zig zaggy and dangerously close by.
The kids ...thought the whole scenario was extremely cool and funny....the dangerous weather ..the double
decker bus....and their mom....in mortal fear.
We hit Brooklyn.....and it stopped raining.....but within ten minutes or so....started again.....the clouds.... dark gray and low and ominous. Something in the back of my head kept saying.......are these tour bus operators crazy???? There are like 20 of us on top of this bus.....aren't they worried we are going to get struck by lightening?
Apparently not ...cause they were the ones who handed out these flimsy little ponchos.....to keep us on the tour......a two hour tour of NYC.
We arrived in NYC on Saturday after dropping my hub off at the airport. The four of us piled into a cab with enough baggage to look like we were heading off to Europe.....and we had the
traditional death defying ride into Midtown
Manhattan...with a cab driver who would suddenly lift both hands off of his steering wheel while driving.....a move which frightened me....and made the kids nervous too.While the luggage was being unloaded out of the taxi....one of the kids spotted those touristy double
decker buses go by.....and suggested we do a tour....so we could see good portion of the city in a small amount of time.
We bought tickets...the sky turned a grey..... but.....we were too excited ......to worry about the weather.....until we boarded the double
decker bus.......we made it through Times Square and were headed toward the Soho District....when it started to rain.... the skies opened up with a thunderous crack of lightening....and buckets of cold rain pelted us.
The tour bus folks handed out ponchos.....which....(like total tourist boobs) we put on.....the guide kept talking and pointing out things as if nothing unusual was happening.....sometimes it was raining so hard.....I couldn't open my eyes.....they were shut by the huge drops flying into my face.
"This is cool," said one of my sons.
"Can you see anything?"
"No, but its funny."
People huddled under awnings and doorways on the street...thought the same thing....because sometimes....they would look up.....and see us folks in the pelting rain in our ponchos.....and they would cheer.....or give us the thumbs ups sign....cause we....well ....looked so ridiculous.
By the end of the two hours we were drenched......totally....and of course the thunderstorm stopped.....long enough for us to get clean dry clothes go out again.....and get wet again.....
But the kids were good troopers and you do what you have to do.....so we walked around....scuttling from awning to awning.....looking into windows and getting a feel for the city.
By late evening our tummies were rumbling.....the tour guide suggested a diner near our hotel...and though I was leery of taking the advice of the guide.....the diner was close by our hotel.....so we walked there....settled ourselves....and then looked up startled as one of the waitresses jumped up to the ledge between the top of the booths.....and started singing.
I mean not just singing....but belting out a tune......and she was GOOD....really good.....and then another waiter started.....and since they were popular songs....my daughter and I sung along...like most of the patrons....except for a few folks like my sons....who were enjoying the theatrics but wouldn't dare bop along or sing....because that would be uncool.
I was pretty impressed....this is the one of the first tourist touristy places....I was really enjoying and having fun in....and the food was good too.....this was novel for the city.
Sunday we were ready to face another day......we watched weather reports on the TV before heading out to prepare ourselves.... the weather was supposed to be improving throughout the day....the boys had to take a train from Penn Station at 3pm out to the Long Island airport so we didn't have much time to spare and I was hoping we wouldn't spend more time in the rain.
Tour guide Mommy started the ambitious whirl wind tour .....Rockefeller Plaza...the NBC shows....St. Patrick's Cathedral....the Apple Store...and then the subway down to Battery Park to hop on the Statue of Liberty tour.
All was going remarkable well....the kids were loving every minute of it.... I was non-stop talking and telling stories....hand me a microphone and I could have entertained a crowd .....
But oh ho....the process for getting to the Statue of Liberty was messy and long....security....scans.....big crowds.....we got on the boat to the island.....and I got nervous....this was taking too long.....and we still had to get back to the hotel to grab the boys luggage.....
The kids were enjoying the view off the boat....when my son pointed out a wall of gray coming at us from the left side.....what?.....in two minutes.....the boat and the bay were encased in a thick massive rainstorm .....up and down we bobbed with the winds and the rain....slowing our travel time even more.
By the time we got to the island.....we realized we couldn't get off and walk around....because we had to get back to the dock....and on our way....it was already past 1pm and we had less than two hours to get luggage and boys to the train station.
The next hour was like a scene from a crazy movie...we ran to the subway after we exited the boat....the machine was not working for tickets....a Chinese guy crammed us in the revolving turntable two at a time....using his card to swipe us through.....if we gave him the fare....(he made a 50% profit on this illegal activity)...we took the wrong subway....because it was Sunday and there was a schedule change some cards marked north were going south....we jumped on to another subway train at the next stop and asked the crowd where the train was going........we somehow got back to the hotel.....grabbed stuff.....hopped into a cab .....ran through the Penn station....trying to figure out what to do..... which way to go .....got the boys tickets.....and made it....with a few minutes to spare....cause the train....thankfully was running 15 minutes late.
As the train pulled out....my daughter and I almost collapsed....
"I NEED A DRINK ," I announced to the crowd of Long Islanders waiting for their trains.
My nerves were shaking and raw.....but she suggested we catch the subway to the Art Museum....and seeing art would calm me down.
Which it did....and although we only had about an hour in the museum....we both found paintings and work we enjoyed and were new to us......when they shooshed us out at closing time.....we treated ourselves.....to a nice cab ride back to the hotel....no walking ...no subways....just door to door service....without thinking.
We ended the day at a wonderful restaurant......with excellent wine and delicious Italian food.....and New Yorkers....all around us....living and talking about their busy lives.
Today we shop in the city....then head back out to Long Island....she will head home in a day....sooner than our original plans.... she has a interview for a promotion at work....and so must get back to Ohio.
I haven't planned my solo days yet....it's been too hectic moving bodies and being the travel guide....once she leaves ...I'll decide how to tie up this extraordinary adventure.