Last night I came across two small things which just struck me as interesting.
Footsie Stuff.
Photos of people's feet.......
The feet on left are the footsies from an indigenous tribal person in South America who walks around barefoot.
The feet on the right are, of course, the feet of a city person who has lived his life in shoes.
Small Art
These miniature artsy pics are made from squashed/flattened gum by a British Artist....Mr. Wilson.
For the last six years, he has painted itty bitty pics on the tops of gum on London sidewalks.
He first softens the gum with a blowtorch, sprays it with lacquer and then enamels it. Using tiny brushes .....he paints little scenes on the gum and then lacquers it.
The article stated that these paintings can last for several years.....but I kept wondering if anyone ever came along with a scraper and lifted his art from the sidewalk and took it home?